Top Paying Words of Google Adsense 2020


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Infolinks High-Paying Keywords

Looking for ways on how to increase your earnings in Infolinks? YES! It's a big yes for those who owned blog and were not fortunate to have Google Adsense(maybe banned for some reason or another). You are probably searching for Infolinks High-Paying Keywords (HPK).

I'm one of those bloggers who rely to monetize my blog through In-text advertisements, preferably, Infolinks. Among other competitors in In-Text advertising, Infolinks has a very good click-through-rating (CTR). I've tried other modes to monetize this blog but so far Infolinks performed well than other ads.

Along with incorporating Infolinks ads and Infolinks related tags, one of the sure-fire ways to increase your income is to add more Infolinks High Paying Keywords. With these keywords, if you're lucky that Infolinks' automated system will display those keywords in your blog, you will certainly get higher earnings.

The following are the Top 100 High Paying Keywords in Infolinks(Infolinks HPK):

1. Purchase Structured Settlements – 53.48
2. Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego – 51.47
3. Secured Loan Calculator – 51.35
4. Structured Settlement Investments – 50.45
5. Endowment Selling – 50.35
6. Mesothelioma Patients – 50.23
7. Mesothelioma attorney san diego – 50.07
8. Austin Texas dwi lawyers – 50.03
9. New York Mesothelioma Lawyers – 50.01
10. Phoenix dui lawyers – 50.01

11. Secured Loans – 50.01
12. Insurance Auto – 50.00
13. Phoenix dui attorney – 50.00
14. car free insurance online quote – 50.00
15. students debt consolidation loans – 49.96
16. Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyers – 49.87
17. data recovery Denver – 49.71
18. adverse credit remortgages – 49.56
19. bad credit remortgages – 49.47
20. data recovery service los angeles – 49.37

21. Consolidating Students Loan – 49.30
22. Students Loan Consolidation Rates – 49.17
23. Boston dui lawyers – 49.02
24. memphis car insurance – 48.86
25. conference calling companies – 48.64
26. dui attornes los angeles – 48.60
27. georgia car accident lawyers – 48.36
28. san diego dui defense – 48.32
29. Phoenix arizona dui lawyers – 48.28
30. Los angeles dwi attorneys – 48.20

31. Student Consolidation Loans – 48.15
32. free quote for car insurance – 48.11
33. irs tax lawyers – 48.08
34. nj auto insurance – 48.08
35. dui san diego – 48.01
36. Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney – 48.00
37. Consolidating Private Student Loans – 47.96
38. Personal Injury Lawyer Chicago – 47.83
39. Personal Injury Attorney Pennsylvania – 47.82
40. Auto Insurance – 47.81

41. Lemon Law California – 47.63
42. Students loan consolidation interest rates – 47.59
43. Los Angeles Criminal Attorney – 47.59
44. Arizona dui Attorney – 47.45
45. Consolidation Student Loan – 47.44
46. Structured Settlement Buyers – 47.31
47. Culinary Schools California – 47.10
48. Student Consolidation Loan – 47.06
49. Instant Car Insurance Quote – 47.00
50. Iva debt help – 46.90

51. UK home owner loan – 46.67
52. endowment policy sales – 46.58
53. sell structured Insurance settlements – 46.53
54. College Loan Consolidation – 46.49
55. dui attorney sacramento – 46.48
56. car insurance quotes – 46.47
57. Philadelphia personal injury lawyers – 46.37
58. Remortgaging – 46.20
59. irs tax attorney – 46.19
60. Consolidation Student Loan – 46.18

61. buyer Structured Settlement – 46.17
62. california mesotheloma attorney – 46.14
63. home mortgages for bad credit – 46.02
64. selling structured settlements – 45.96
65. phoenix dui lawyers – 45.90
66. sell structured settlement payments – 45.72
67. Donate your car – 45.56
68. Student loan consolidation – 45.46
69. Consolidate School Loans – 45.45
70. Injury Lawyers 4 You – 45.44

71. homeowner consolidation loans – 45.42
72. Colorado Truck Accident Lawyers – 45.41
73. Mesothelioma doctor – 45.09
74. School Loan Consolidation – 45.09
75. dui attorney San Francisco – 44.95
76. ny car insurance – 44.83
77. Mortgage refinance new jersey – 44.77
78. Structured settlement payments – 44.43
79. Car Insurance Texas – 44.41
80. Virginia Car accidents Lawyers – 44.35

81. Raid Data Recovery Services – 44.33
82. College loan consolidation – 44.28
83. compare car insurance rates – 44.14
84. Break down covers – 44.14
85. Remortgages Loan – 44.05
86. Austin Criminal Attorney – 44.14
87. Car Insurance Quotes online – 44.14
88. Structured Settlement Consumer Info – 44.14
89. Arizona dui lawyers – 44.05
90. eloan mortgage – 43.98

91. Consolidation of Student Loan – 43.95
92. Student Loan Consolidation Calculator – 43.94
93. Injury Lawyers 4 You – 43.94
94. Managed Hosting Services – 43.93
95. Bad Credit Home Equity – 43.90
96. Los Angeles Criminal Attorneys – 43.88
97. Home improvement loan rates – 43.88
98. auto insurance in Michigan – 43.79
99. dwi fort worth – 43.78
100 Structured Settlement Companies – 43.77 
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Info Link KeyWord And Money Booster Tips

 Infolinks is the leading and best in-text link advertisements in the world. Many user are using Infolinks as a Adsense alternatives..
But i noticed Infolinks Ad’s in many high traffic websites with no proper optimization.
Reason is many users don’t know how to increase Infolinks revenue or how to optimize it…
Remember it is the best PPC  n/w in internet industry to make it active in its full extend we have to do some changes in Infolinks Ads
Here are some Booster to Boost and increase Infolinks performance

Dotted line :-

increase your infolink revenue
Use dotted line instead of using double undelined format for infolinks Ads because it look too majestic
and it may add Great value to your blog

Change Font color :-

 boost infolinks revenue
Changing the color of Ads font will surely maximize your infolinks revenue. But change the color wisely.
Blue color is traditional color of Ads you can use blue color for infolinks Ads
In my point of view you can change color which matches your Blog Hyperlink color
For example:-
See my blog infolinks ads and see this hyperlink color. You can see i had given same color for both..

Use MAximum Ads :-

tricks to increase infolinks
Use maximum numbver of Ads. Number of Ads in ur blog will surely maximise the visibility of your ads
and so increasing more clicks
Set it to maximum value – 12

Sprinkle High paying Keyword :-

All the keyword will not ensure you the same amount per click. Some keywords will pay high amount and some may not.
This is the reason for low earning even though you gain more click !!?
If you sprinkle 4 or 5 Profitable keywords in your blog post it may surely add a great value to your infolinks income…
<–Red Alert–>
Remember i just said just to use 4 or 5 high paying keywords in a post which has 200 words in length.
If you fill the whole post with Keywords. search engine will surely index it has a doorway page and it will surely penalty your website in search engine results

Infolinks On & Off :-

You may see in some website infolinks ads is seen in Title of the webpage and also in sidebar.
This is not a good sign to earnings, if the Ads is sprinkled in sidebar, Title, Footer ..etc., the maximum number of Ads may not concentrate in post it will be surely get wasted
Ads must concentrate only in blog POst, for this you can use this code to block infolinks ads in appearing from sidebar and in unwanted place…
infolinks off and on
To disable <!__INFOLINKS_OFF__>
To enable <!__INFOLINKS_ON__>

Select your category Wisely :-

infolinks revenue booster
Select your category wisely which supports your niche blog so that you can get more targetted Ads as a result more clicks
I’m sure these point will increase your infolinks clicks CTR as a result increase your income
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Top Ten KeyWords for Chitika

Chitika eMiniMalls is a new pay-per-click, contextual advertising system like Google Adsense. Digital Inspiration has been running Chitika eMinimalls (affiliate) since some time now. Our initial impression is that individual clicks on Chitika ads earn better revenue when compared with Google Adsense. But Adsense units give a higher CTR as they easily blend with the text.

Since Chitika now supports channels (SID) , we can use this technique to determine the best Chitika keywords that have a higher CTR as well as eCPM.

Here we have written a simple hack to determine the top paying keywords in Chitika eMinimalls. Since this hack only extends the existing channel names, we will still be able to track which Chitika interactive unit was clicked by the user.

All you need to do is add one more line of code to your Chitika Javascript code.

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
ch_client = "chitika-login";
ch_width = 468;
ch_height = 60;
ch_sid = "left sidebar"; // Chitika Channel Name
var ch_queries = new Array( "cameras", "ipod", "xbox", "laptop" );
var ch_selected=Math.floor((Math.random()*ch_queries.length));
ch_query = ch_queries[ch_selected];
ch_sid += " " + ch_query;
<script src="" type="text/javascript">

The variable ch_sid holds the SID level/channel name. We have just extended the channel name to include the product name. Once this is enabled, your Chitika eMiniMalls reports will show data for "channel name" + "product name". So you will easily know which keywords are performing best and remove the ones that are low paying or receive no clicks at all.

Chitika Customer service are doing an excellent job. They sometimes reply to your queries in few seconds.

I made a few changes in the above code based on Michelle (Chitika Customer Service) advice.

1) The semicolon was missing in the first ch_sid. This can lead to javascript errors on some browsers. Also I added // before the "Chitika Channel Name". (since people tend to blindly copy the code. If there is a comment atleast the code wont break)

2) Nitpicky thing: changed the repeated ch_queries[ch_selected] to ch_query (and saved 1 nanosecond to avoid the array reference! :-)
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