
Top Most KeyWords for AdBrite


These keywords are awesome, they generate $0.11 to $2.26 per click for me. I don’t know if these are the highest paying keywords for Adbrite but I’m sure they are definitely the top 25 keywords. First, let me make it clear, Adult keywords do not make you any extra money in Adbrite. Adult keywords just throw you to their other network – BlackLabelAds. (Tip: If you use these keywords in Adsense, except a minimum $2/click)

I have got many emails asking me for these keywords and how does Adbrite always display the ads on my website and there is never an “Advertise on this website – Powered by Adbrite” page. Its simple, I know my keywords very well :-)

My suggestion to you here would be to pick atleast 10 keywords that match with your website. You can choose the highest paying keywords and make more money or choose the keywords which you think your reader/viewers would like to see/click. It means the same thing – More clicks = More money

The keywords which I choose are:

affiliate marketing
make money online
web hosting

2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    really good advice sir...could you please suggest some keywords for educational blog...
    i am not earning with adbrite..my blog is step4success.com

  2. Blogger says:

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